Mission and principles
Bureau Mission
Providing the public with objective independent information about the environmental aspects of everyday life.Bureau Principles
IndependenceThe National Environmental Standards and Ratings Bureau is a non-profit partnership of research and technical specialists and representatives of environmental protection and public organisations. Membership fees are the main source of the bureau’s financing. The bureau cooperates with government and commercial organisations gratis.
All standards and methods developed by the bureau are made public through its website with the aim of initiating public discussion and continuously upgrading them in keeping with the changing realities. The bureau is willing to provide comments to the mass media on every aspect of its operations and on the environmental problems of Russia and the world in general. Research and technical specialists in environmental standardisation and allied fields are invited to attend the bureau’s monthly public seminars and also to join the bureau as full-fledged members.
Social Responsibility
The standards, methods and ratings are being developed with due account for the entire gamut of important factors, such as global effects on the ecosystem, Russian economic development aspects and relevant international agreements. However, priority is given to ensuring human safety and a better quality of life.
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Greenwashing или псевдомаркировки
«Одна из основных задач, которую мы ставим перед собой- борьба с гринвошингом, то есть псевдо маркировками. Порой стыдно за крупного производителя материалов, ставящего на свою упаковку некий, придуманный отделом маркетинга «зеленый» значок, это нецивилизованно, безответственно и неэтично перед потребителем».
Кривозерцев Сергей, член правления НБЭСР